
About the blog

My name is Joanna and I have a confession to make.   I have recently discovered, that by definition I am in fact a foodie…”an amateur who simply loves food for consumption, study, preparation and news” (Wikipedia 2012).

As a result, I spend what is considered by many an ‘unnatural’ amount of time thinking (and quite possibly eating) food.  If I am not reading about it, I am shopping for it.  If I am not shopping for it, I am preparing it, if I am not preparing it, I am watching programmes on the television about it.  I think you know the type, I got it bad!

So, taking my food obsession into consideration, there is nothing I like to do more than eat out.  The prospect of dining out never fails to fill me with excitement....what could be more enjoyable than relaxing with friends or family in clean, comfortable surroundings, perusing  the mouth-watering menus , selecting your own personal dinner which is freshly cooked, beautifully presented, tastes divine and leaves you feeling satisfied, all served to you by polite, friendly, attentive staff?  As it turns out, quite a lot actually!  Sadly, my fantasy rarely becomes a reality, so myself and my foodie friends often find the eating out experience in Leicester, well…disappointing!

Much to my despair, some friends have given up on eating out altogether.  They no longer believe that a pleasurable eating out experience is achievable in Leicester.  I refuse to accept this as true and so as a true foodie, I am on a foodie mission.…a mission to bring all those non-believers back from the dark side…..

My mission:

My mission is to try, test and review as many eating out establishments across Leicester and Leicestershire with the aim of generating a list of recommended restaurants you would be confident to take any friend, family or foodie to.

With the help of ‘Groupon’ I aim to try at least one new restaurant a fortnight and report back to the people of Leicester through an honest, accurate and hopefully entertaining review.  These will be coupled with a complex and sophisticated scoring system where food, restaurant, service and value for money are scored between  1-5 (one being poor, 5 being excellent) .  So a total of 20 points are on offer, with restaurants that makes the recommended list expected to score a minimum of 15 points.

Tough job but someone’s got to do it!

Joanna Moore…living the ‘foodie’ dream!

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